
As i sit here & write, there's a nice, thin layer of snow on the ground outside & the sun is going down, so its stinkin cold out there! And i'm so glad I'm sitting in the lodge, near the fireplace, all nice & cozy.
Here's the lowdown on this week so far!

Subject: Character & Nature of God
Speaker: Donna MacGowan
Days complete: 2
Days to go: 2

Here's a little something about what I've been learning:
We can know God as:

I feel like i know God the most as Friend right now. And I'm loving this new friendship I've reconciled with God. I never realized how much I missed Him until 3 weeks ago.
I've been seeing God trying to earn my trust on a daily basis, showing Himself faithful to me, present and active in my life. 
Donna had us do a Journal Question:
Do I trust God?
And here's what I wrote:
Honestly, no.
Not completely.
However, I do feel the trust building in my heart as He continues to show Himself faithful & loyal to me on a daily basis. I want to trust God completely. I want to be able to let go of control, surrender, & walk in the way He has for me. I know God will never leave or forsake me; how much longer will it take for me to fully & truly believe that?
Forgive my ignorant heart, God.
Teach me to trust you.

Today, us students who don't have all of our money for outreach prayed & fasted during the lunch hour. The sense of unity & belief in the room was astounding to me. We all know that God wants to provide for us, all we have to do is ask & fully believe that God will show Himself faithful.
Right now, I'm not sure if God wants me to go to Columbia or Thailand; I'm game for wherever He wants me to go.
And the best part is I still have a complete peace that He will provide the funds for me to go on the outreach.
This is definitely one area of life that I fully trust God; no freakin out on my part...so far :]
All of us students are stoked to see how God pulls through & provides a miracle for all of us; we're watching & waiting patiently, yet eagerly.
If that makes any sense. And if thats even possible, I'm not entirely sure!

Holy smokes!!! I stinkin love the worship times here. Its one of those times where I feel incredibly close to God, worshiping Him & what He's done in our lives. I love Him. Standing in a room full of people who love Jesus & are raising their voices in worship to Him is incredible.

That's all I can write for now; i need to start writing my support letter! Yay- pray for me :]
Thanks for taking the time to read this, it means alot to me that you do!!

I got my first package in the mail yesterday & i FREAKED out over it!!! I screamed when i saw it & then picked it up & ran to find Nicole to show it to her!!
I stinkin loved it- Thanks John! You made my day! I smiled all night long- no joke. no lie.



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